Hamlet Scene iii
Laertes is polonius' sonOphelia is Laertes sister
Hamlet has affection towards Ophelia
Laertes tells his sister that hamlets intentions of affection for Ophelia is not good
Cautel- cautious
Polonius tells his son to think before he speaks etc gives him a lecture
Hamlet scene IV
Conversation between hamlet and Marcellus
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Represents any type of foul play or discomfort.
Scene V
Ghost is revealed himself as Hamlet senior
He reveals that Claudius murdered Hamlet Sr
Hamlets mother knew that Claudius was going to kill her husband
While hamlet Sr was sleeping, Claudius poured poison in the Kings ear and the toxin killed him rapidly
King says it's not up to you to punish Gertrude, but do whatever to punish Claudius
In other words, the King tells Hamlet to get get revenge on Claudius
"I have sworn it." Hamlet has resolved. He knows what he has to do but does not do it.
A heroic expectation/obligation is out on Hamlet to avenge his fathers death
"O, wonderful!" Hamlet says now that he knows the real truth
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than dreamt of in your philosophy."
Hamlet says nothing will get him to reveal his secret
"The time is out of joint: O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right." Hamlet was born to avenge his father's death
Hamlet views revenge as a difficult motive
Act II Scene I
Polonius wants Reynaldo to scout on Polonius' kid Laertes but don't let him know that his father sent him
Polonius tells him to fish for the truth. "By indirections find directions out."
Polonius is a schemer
Ophelia states that Hamlet was drawn into her because he was stuck in an emotional state and that he was there in misery because of his fathers death
Polonius demanding her that she does not see hamlet but she is in love
They state that hamlet may be loving her out of misery or that he could be faking it
Hamlets friends investigate Hamlets depression
"Since brevity is the soul of wit, and tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief.."
Polonius declares that hamlet is in love with Ophelia and shows letters from him to her to the king and queen
Polonium is dead wrong about Hamlets love for his daughter
They come up with a plan to test Hamlets love for Ophelia
Hamlet and Polonius converse and Hamlet calls Polonius a fishmonger. Initiating Hamlet is insane
"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't. "
Polonius says to the audience that Hamlets comments have several meanings
"For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so: to me it is a prison."
"What a piece of work is a man!" Act II scene II hamlet
"The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king." Hamlet a soliloquy in act two scene two
Hamlet was creating a plan to avenge in his fathers death.
He compares himself to to the player and is so hard on himself and puts himself down
"I'll have these players play something like the murder of my father before mine uncle:"