When thinking about how to do this remix and understanding the poem easy I had a direct way i visualized it. By going through and breaking down each line with a visual representation (which poems lack to consist of). So here it is piece by piece!
"We shape ourselves to fit this world" is saying that ordinary individuals are always thriving to be the best of the best and keeping up with the latest technology. People are immune to strive for what models look like, the coolest and newest phones and the most "chic" outfits out there in stores at the time. *This is ordinary people back in the 90's back when the things showed were what we shaped ourselves to fit in during this time.

"And by the world are shaped again" just means that we once thought that this fashion was once the nicest clothes and the nicest technology, but just like society its self, its constantly changing to better and newer.
"The visible and invisible working together in common cause to produce the miraculous" just means that no matter what job or what person you are you can all come together making our world go round and/or supporting a family of your own. You can also come around it with the visible being the singer/raper ( which they are getting all the attention and credit) and the invisible being the producer (one who makes the beats, writes lyrics and what not) but they are all working together for one cause and that's making music. Drake the rapper (who we all know) and Noah Shebib, the producer (who most people don't know)

"I am thinking of the way, the intangible air" well I'm referring this based off of the word intangible. Intangible means you cannot obtain perfection. So, perfection is what is being strived for.
" Passed at speed, round a shaped wing, easily holds our weight" this means that what's happening is wings are meant for and symbolized for freedom. Each wing should be how you want to take on your flight, your own style, shape and when they are shaped by another or a theory then it becomes a burden to hold our selves up and pursue our ambitions.

"So may we, in this life trust to those elements we have yet to see or imagine" I took this decoding in a way of explaining elements we have yet to see by using age/growing old as an example. Things we haven't experienced yet either as a human being or even to the point as our wold dramatically changing.

"And look for the true shape our own self, by forming it well to the great intangibles about us." and last but not least I took this in a way of looking for the true shape of our selves showing our true colors instead of imagining and forming our lives to conquer the intangibles that most likely wont happen. Such perfections and intangibles as never dying (Drinking from the Fountain of Youth) or obtaining perfection instead of the daily progress for it.
While thinking about how I am going to remix this poem, I thought of several different ways to do it. A video, via pictures, an essay, etc. The one I thought would be the coolest and most easiest way to present it to others is by the one I am about to present to you
-When I read the first line,"We shape our self to fit this world and by the world are shaped again." I analyze it in a way in which we, individuals, are so immune to people being so judgmental and criticizing that we shape/wish to shape ourselves according to society's "expectations of how we should be rather than being the person we were set out to be." In pictures, this looks like:

-When reviewing the second line, "The visible and the invisible working together in common cause, to produce the miraculous." I interpreted it as the visible is what we portray on the outside to impress others and the invisible is the person we truly are, the one we hide underneath all of the fake, visible self. A example of this in society is we try so hard to impress others and go on to buy so many materialistic things such as cars, accessories, etc, and most of the time cannot afford it with the budget we have.

don't say much, we ACT."
-When reading the third line, "I am thinking of the way the intangible air passed at speed round a shaped wing easily holds our weight." I interpret this as we are so quick to admire royalty, wealth, popularity, etch that we fail to stop and admire our surroundings that do so much for its inhabitants like us, is very powerful, and has great potential.
-When I read the first line,"We shape our self to fit this world and by the world are shaped again." I analyze it in a way in which we, individuals, are so immune to people being so judgmental and criticizing that we shape/wish to shape ourselves according to society's "expectations of how we should be rather than being the person we were set out to be." In pictures, this looks like:
-When reviewing the second line, "The visible and the invisible working together in common cause, to produce the miraculous." I interpreted it as the visible is what we portray on the outside to impress others and the invisible is the person we truly are, the one we hide underneath all of the fake, visible self. A example of this in society is we try so hard to impress others and go on to buy so many materialistic things such as cars, accessories, etc, and most of the time cannot afford it with the budget we have.
don't say much, we ACT."
-When reading the third line, "I am thinking of the way the intangible air passed at speed round a shaped wing easily holds our weight." I interpret this as we are so quick to admire royalty, wealth, popularity, etch that we fail to stop and admire our surroundings that do so much for its inhabitants like us, is very powerful, and has great potential.
-Lastly, when attempting to interpret the last few lines "So may we, in this life trust to those elements we have yet to see or imagine, and look for the true shape of our own self, by forming it well to the great intangibles about us," with the modern knowledge I have, I came up with that it relates to we might think we know how we are going to be as an individual in the future, and try to guide ourselves to be a certain kind of person, but sometimes the person we aim to be is someone we are not meant to be and is intangible to us.