Sunday, February 22, 2015

Chapter 2&3 Reading Notes

Fig. Language:
Chapter 2:
-Similie/personification/restatement: "thousands of petals, ripe blown and silkily smooth, like the cheeks of innumerable little cherubs, but of cherubs, in that bright light, not exclusively pink and Aryan, but also luminously Chinese, also Mexican, also pale as death, pale with the posthumous whiteness of marble."
-the director aimed to make the babies terrified of books and nature. 
-restatement page 26: "silence, silence.... Silence, silence.... Silence, silence."
-the kids hear the same statements over and over, are subjected to believe they're better than others (in a Beta and am better than a delta), they where certain clothing based on what they are
-restatement plays a huge Role in their everyday lives
-Chapter 3:
-it's strange that the kids play like kids from our generation, outside on the play ground, entertaining themselves with balls, games, etc but now they're more involved and consist of machines 
-although in the book the children play naked
-restatement again: page 31: "charming"
-"discarnate voices called from the trumpet mouths."
-"The Controller" makes an appearance and everyone including the children get very excited and are infatuated with him
-directors fordship, Mustapha Mond, appears 
-"no air, space; an under sterilized prison; darkness, disease, and smells."
-the controller (Mustapha) gives a speech about the dangers of family
-"the tropical sunshine lau like warm honey on the naked bodies of children tumbling promiscuously among the hibiscus blossoms."
-fanny asks lenina if she is going out with Henry foster and gives her advice to hVe more than one "lover"?
-Mustapha says that family leads to exclusiveness 
-"mother, monogamy, romance." Continually repeated
-our generation was bound by love and that's why we were so unhappy and mad. We were forced under other rule  
-everyone belongs to everyone else now. Not just one or a few people 
-lenina says she likes Bernanrd Max too but fanny says he's ugly and small 
-Bernanrd was a specialist of sleep teaching "hypnopædie"
-throughout this the book keeps going back and forth between Henry's conversation in the locker room, Mustaphas to the children, and Lelina and Fannys
-looked this up on sparknotes to clarify some aspects of the controllers speech 
"Religion, Shakespeare, museums, and families all passed into obscurity. The date of the introduction of the Model T was chosen as the start of the new era, and all crosses had their tops cut off to make them into Ts. Six years of pharmaceutical research yielded soma, the perfect drug. The problem of old age was solved, and people could now retain the mental and physical character of youth throughout life. No one was allowed to sit alone and think. No one was allowed “leisure from pleasure.”
-In the changing room at the end of the workday, Bernard overhears Henry talking with the Assistant Predestinator about Lenina. The Predestinator suggests a “feely” (a movie involving senses of touch and smell) that Henry might want to attend. While discussing Lenina admiringly, Henry tells the Assistant that he should “have her” some time. The conversation disgusts Bernard. The Assistant notices his glum expression and he and Henry decide to bait him. Henry offers Bernard some soma, infuriating him. They laugh as Bernard curses them.
-this chapter to me was very weird and random. I am going to need further explanation and analysis from dr. Preston

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