Sunday, January 11, 2015

My Masterpiece

Over this past semester i have progressed and matured a great bit. In the beginning of the year I was focusing my masterpiece that would mainly benefit myself and my close peers. Although, as the year progressed, I became less selfish and decided that i wanted to perform a task that would benefit a large range of people. After coming up with several of ideas, there was one that i believed fit perfect with my life scenario, future, and the present era. I decided to aim my effort towards not only spreading love around the world and making the world a better place for us inhabitants all over the world but to spread joy, medicare, and happiness to parts of the world who do not experience these things as much as we do and are not as fortunate as we are. All my life, I have wanted to always be caring and loving to everyone no matter what the circumstance. Because of this i want to base my masterpiece on giving back to those people who aren't as fortunate as I am.
     As many of you know, I was born with a severe heart condition that has impacted not only my life but my family's life in many ways. Throughout my journey, i have been blessed with the best of the best in medicine such as doctors, medicine, and love. Every hospital I go to, every doctor i see, is filled with love and passion.  Those amazing individuals have not only taken care of me and are the reason i am still alive but also do that for thousands of other people and i believe are not evenly distributed throughout the globe. Via my hospital trips and surgeries i have met several kids and adults that have shared with me their stories and the type of care they receive where they live and let me tell you i break down in tears every single time i have a conversation with them. Me, along with thousands of other individuals who receive care in the US, continue to fail at appreciating the amazing medical care we receive day in and day out. I feel so welcomed and taken care of every single day of my life that it makes me feel extremely greedy. My heart aches for those individuals from other parts of the world who are provoked from obtaining quality care. Because of this, the main concept that i am aiming my masterpiece towards is spreading/distributing good quality medicare to other parts of the world. I firmly believe that this movement will help spread world peace for everyone, especially for me.
      If this movement is successful, my life will be almost complete. This idea is so globally beneficial and inspirational that i believe it will persuade and ignite a lot of people to perform more things like this and to also be more thankful for what they are given and provided with. It will put into perspective for people how lucky we really are in several aspects of our lives and how fortunate we should be while there are millions of people suffering all over the world.
     This task requires great determination in all areas of school but heavily in science and math. To be able to make this movement successful, there is going to be a higher demand in medical students and colleagues which requires huge amounts of mathematical and science studies. Personally, i will have to begin obtaining knowledge in how i will be able to make this happen. I will have to find reliable people who will be able to enable me to make this mission successful, i will have to have a great amount of support from many people and i am going to have to stay determined and motivated and remember that all of the hard work will pay off in the end. I will begin preparing by researching ways and people that could help me achieve my goals and then move on from there and hope for the best. For instance, i could speak to several teachers, doctors, students, professors etc in search for advice and leads to success. I want to promote my mission all over the world so that greater things can result and more care could be spread. I could go to schools, board meetings, hospitals, etc and give presentations to reach out and see if people could help and contribute to my movement. I will also create another blog just for this movement so individuals can keep up with the progress of the mission and can join in whenever they want to. Twitter, instagram, and facebook will be my main archives for a while until the world gets out to the real media and begins to boom.
     To be honest, i am not quite sure where to start with this movement but i am hoping that people will see this post and have the urge to help me in my quest to making this world a better place for everyone. :) Lets spread our love and care to all!

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