Monday, August 18, 2014


1)I do not believe there will be a disruptive amount of factors that will affect my level of participation in this class other than my computer being not so reliable. Although, my family and I have already looked into buying a new desktop computer which will then neglect that specific disruption. :) I am blessed with the best who provide me with everything I need, want, and more! When it comes to my schedule, I am a little concerned about the spring time when softball season comes around. I will still keep my priorities straight, being school and family as my top two, but I stress that I'm not going to have as much time to finish all of my homework tasks for all my classes by a reasonable time each night. I am going to try my absolute hardest to stay on too of things and complete them on time! :) 

2) When I was 15 years old, two years ago, I was given the worst news someone could possibly ever give a teenage girl. I was told that I was required to have an immediate open heart surgery which would provoke me from enjoying the rest of my summer and also from playing two of my favorite sports, soccer and basketball. After a thirteen hour surgery at UCLA Medical Center, and a week after spent in the hospital healing, I was able to make my way on back home. While physically and mentally preparing myself for the difficult trip out to the car with a broken rib cage and chest wall, I experienced the best thing ever. Just as I was about to leave my hospital room a sweet little 6 year old girl who was suffering from cancer and heart disease came up to me, grabbed ahold of my hand and told me,"I'm so happy for you, you're lucky that you get to go home. I've been here for a few months and I would love to go home and see my brothers and sisters. We're lucky we're alive aren't we?" With tears streaming down my face, I hugged the little girl with all my might and told her to keep fighting and her dreams would come true in no time. This specific experience taught me that I have no right to complain about the stupid, little things in life. My disease was easily treated and I was still complaining. On the other hand, the sweet, innocent little girl had been fighting for her life for several months and sill had not gave up the fight. It taught me to be thankful for everything you have in life, even if it's not a lot. There's people who would do anything to love HALF the life we live and have HALF the things we have. The little girl put everything in life in perspective for me. That conversation and little girl has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I'm extremely blessed. 

3) This year I am extremely excited abut forming new relationships with my classmates. Whether it be a hi&bye basis or a full ok conversation daily basis, I want to be able to confront and discuss with each and everyone of my classmates each and every day. I look forward to learning the technological process of education, Open Source Learning, and sharing the opportunity with my peers. This new open source learning will prepare me for my near future in college since a majority of colleges utilize the internet when interacting with their students. Overall, it will contribute to my success as a student, individual, and colleague! 

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