Tuesday, September 30, 2014


As Saith and the mute, unknown man continued to proceed in their journey, a large ship was visible in the distance. After a few minutes, the two arrived at the ship, where several other individuals were boarding. Confused, Saith followed her partner's lead and kept quiet. It took quite some time to board the populous shipped, filled with individuals of all races, ages, and sizes. The two got settled on two seats that were adjacent to one another and still did not communicate at all. Saith, dressed in jeans, a shirt, and tennis shoes, and only containing a backpack with a water bottle, her makeup back, and books, began to feel cold and sick. She excused herself to look for a bathroom on the ship but was surprised when she turned around to see her partner following her. "Why are you following me?" she exclaimed. He did not respond. She gave up any hope of a response and told herself she would not ask anymore questions to save her energy. She finds a bathroom, small, filthy, covered in used dirty toilet paper, and wet with unknown substances, and was disgusted. She was to the verge of puking but after seeing the restrooms she went back to her seat, dealing with the unpleasant feeling in her stomach. It wasn't until almost three or four hours later, she thinks, that the man finally answered her questions. "Sir, can you please at least introduce yourself?" He finally replied, " My name is Peter, and I was once like you, ungrateful for everything in my life, a disrespectful little brat, and then I went on this journey that you are just about to be starting and am now a totally different person with a new perspective on life." Saith took in all of his information and began to feel guilty of all of the wrong doings she had performed in her life. She then asked," One last question if you don't mind, where are we exactly going?" "We're going to Kenya, the location at which the Father who you will confess and apologize to is. The duration of the trip is 10 days, one day for the trip there, one day for the way back, and eight days to confess and make up for your misdoings in life. The two continued on with their conversation, covering a diverse, large amount of topics. After a long day on the ship, they had arrived at Kenya. Unloading the ship took longer than it did boarding it, and contained more complications. Anxious, the individuals awaited their turn onto the land. When it was their turn, Saith and Peter hopped off the ship with their belongings when they were suddenly approached by two other females. The females, sweaty, tired, and lost, introduced themselves and asked if they could tag along. Startled, Saith and Peter hesitated but after a few seconds and said yes. Awkwardly, the two girls introduced themselves as Ashlyn and Courtney, who were on a journey to obtain extra school credits at the main school in Kenya. The four of them reached the shelter to which they were designed to stay the nine days, and introduced themselves a little more vividly. They all explained why they were on the journey and what they are going to gain from it. Starting with Saith who said she was here to confess her wrong doings she had completed in her life to The Father so she can be forgiven and return home with a new perspective and attitude towards life, they four created a special bond and agreement in which they agreed to help each other accomplish their mission. Saith and Peter were going to contribute to the gaining of extra school credits for Ashlyn and Courtney, while in return, Ashlyn and Courtney were going to help Saith's confessions easier and more beneficial. Exhausted, the four individuals all fell asleep and woke up in the morning to bells ringing and the host of the journey screaming," It's time to get going, people. Wake up and start doing your jobs!" They got up, prepared themselves for the long day ahead of them, and made their way to their destinations as a group.

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